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Akira Music Academy - Adyar, Chennai

At the Academy, situated in Adyar, Chennai - learning was taken to a whole new level. With large classrooms that were soundproofed for peace of mind while practicing and dedicated teachers ready to offer support at any time – this is truly an educational experience like no other!

Piano Classes in Adyar, Keyboard classes in Adyar, Guitar Classes in in Adyar

At Akira Music Academy there were classes available for all types of instruments including guitar, piano and keyboard. Each class had experienced instructors who taught different techniques to make sure each student got the most out of every lesson. Students also had access to high-end equipment such as classical guitars and acoustic guitars which enabled them to get a full experience

when learning how to play an instrument from scratch or mastering one that they already knew how to play.

Every year at the end of term there would be a showcase where all the students could show off their newly acquired skills in front of family members, friends and proud instructors alike! This event always produced some truly amazing performances from talented individuals who went on to do great things in music after leaving Akira Music Academy!

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11 de dez. de 2023

The Akira Music Academy in Adyar, Chennai sounds like an ideal destination for music education! Large soundproof classrooms indicate a commitment to creating an optimal learning environment where students can immerse themselves in music without any distractions. Popularize your music by buying 100k spotify plays -

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